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Can I nominate my own team?

  • Yes, you can enter your own team by submitting the online “Team Nomination Form” which can be found here


Can I join as an individual player?

  • Individual players that don’t have a team of their own can contact our office via email and our Competition Administrator will try and find you a team to participate in.  As we are "Competition Administrators" we rely on the public to create and enter teams into our competition so that means you may be able to create teams for your children to participate in. We can list individual players that are looking to join a team but this scenario does not guarantee participation as we’re then reliant on an established teams to contact us asking if we have any players listed, we cannot guarantee this is going to happen so it is much safer to create your own team which will guarantee participation.


Am I covered by player injury insurance?

  • Yes you are covered by insurance once you are registered online and made “Active” in our database which means you also must be financial.  Anyone that has not paid online will not be covered by insurance until the payment is made.


How long does the Futsal season run for?

  • We currently run TWO separate futsal seasons annually. Our Summer season officially starts in October (Term 4) and runs through until early March (Term 1) with a break over Christmas and New Year.  Our Winter season begins in April and runs through until September.


Can players try futsal before officially signing up?

  • No, Sunshine Coast Futsal Association, along with Football Queensland, do not allow players to take the pitch unless they are registered. This is due to insurance purposes.


Is my team allowed to borrow players from the same age division to fill in?

  • According to our SCFA Competition By-Laws, teams may not borrow players from the same age division, this by-law exists to ensure fairness throughout the competition. Teams are permitted to borrow players from the age division below but only to make up a team of 5 players.

6/96 Aerodrome Road, Maroochydore, QLD, 4558
p. 07 5443 7791
Mon to Fri: 9am - 2pm
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Copyright 2023 Sunshine Coast Futsal Association
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